Do you keep a training diary?

  • Do you keep a training diary?
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  • April 13th, 2024
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  • Paul Evans

Something my coach encouraged me to do was keep a training diary - an old fashioned pen and paper. It doesn’t have to be ‘War and Peace’ but it should include more than your average Strava entry: type of session; time (if applicable); weather conditions and how you feel during and after the session. Importantly, you can also record effects of fuelling, both before and during the run, to experiment with different types.

These diaries turned out to be an invaluable coaching resource and a great motivational tool when I was going through a rough patch with my running. I would look back through my diaries to a period to when I was going through a purple patch and 9 times out of 10 the answer would be there in black and white - a great problem solver.

So, grab those notebooks, pick up a pen and start keeping a training diary.

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