With this year’s New York marathon fast approaching (Sunday Nov 3rd) it reminded me of my first attempt at the iconic distances and what better place to make your marathon debut than the New York marathon? Or so I thought!
Standing on the start line, full of confidence, I remember thinking to myself, I have nailed all the long runs, session, training and racing beforehand had gone well, and yes, I can safely say I have ticked all the boxes, or so I thought!
The race started and all seemed to be going to plan. I had settled down into a nice rhythm and was running in a group which was operating at a pace that suited me. All seemed to be going to plan until I hit the first drink station. It was quite a warm day so I picked up my first drink - now you must remember this was 1990 and the only drinks available were plastic cups of water. I soon realised to my horror that drinking out of the corner of a plastic cup was an art of which I had not mastered. In fact, I had neglected to practise in training so needless to say, the water went everywhere except where it was supposed to go - in my month. I scored a nil point at that drink station!
Never mind I thought, I will get it right on the second drink station. The plan was to get to the drink station slightly ahead of the group I was running with which would allow me more time to make sure the water went down my throat without choking myself, which would then allow me to keep with the group. However, the same thing happened - water went everywhere! Up my nose, down my vest - everywhere except you know where!
By this time it was getting quite warm and I had missed two drink stations which caused me to panic a bit. So much for keeping relaxed for at least the first half of the race. I was in a bit of a panic and I was not even at 10 miles in and by now all the gasping and gulping at nothing but the fresh air was beginning to take its toll. I had developed a stitch but I thought, not to worry if I slow down slightly hopefully it will pass, and can get back to my little group who were now fading into the distance.
Looking back at the race I think I probably lost it mentally as well by now. Yes, my race was run and I had not even got to halfway. I remember walking back to my hotel annoyed with myself that I had made a massive error in my preparation and just taking it for granted that drinking from a plastic cup was something I did not have to practice – I had never given it a second thought.
“Someone once said that you learn more in defeat that in victory and I certainly did that day. After all how hard can it be to drink out of a cup?”
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