Learning from failure

  • Learning from failure
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  • April 13th, 2024
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  • Paul Evans

Don't be afraid to fail, the old saying is "you learn more in defense than you do victory." The first time I heard that saying I just thought it was my coach trying to find a crumb of comfort for me. The fact was, I had just messed up big time, got the early pace wrong and ended up running on memory for the last 2 miles while I watched the world and his wife pass me! I did learn from the experience (well sort of)

Wise words indeed!

We have to push boundaries some times in order to progress and sometimes it bites us on the bum. That’s why sometimes it’s a good idea to experiment at what I call a stepping stone race or time trial. This could be trying out new shoes, gels, drinks, or even going out at a quicker pace than normal  and just seeing how long you can hold on for -and if it does go pear shaped it does not matter, but you will have learnt something about yourself.

And lastly if you do decide to experiment with any of the above, please change one thing at a time, so you know exactly what worked or did not!

Happy running !

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